rdflint: RDF Linter

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rdflint basic usage.

rdflint basic usage

rdflint basic usage process to rdf file syntax check.

Note. you need to complete Setup process.

  1. Prepare target RDF file. rdflint can check files that have extensiont of ttl or rdf.
    In this part, use empty file.

    file name: target.rdf

  2. Make rdflint configuration file.
    In this part, make following file.

    file name: rdflint-config.yml

    baseUri: https://example.com/targetrdf/

    Set base directory of target dataset URI to baseUri.

  3. Execute rdflint.
    Move to directory of target.rdf, rdflint-config.yml, and rdflint-0.2.1.jar. And run following command.

    $ java -jar rdflint-0.2.1.jar -config rdflint-config.yml

    Validation failed and display following, because rdf file is invalid.

      ERROR  [line: 1, col: 1 ] 途中でファイルの末尾に達しました。

SPARQL playground

You can try SPARQL query to your data with rdflint.

Note. you need to complete ‘rdflint basic usage’ process.

  1. Make target data file.
    In this part, Make following rdf file.

    file name: target.rdf

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <rdf:Description rdf:about="somenode">
        <schema:name xml:lang="ja">name of something</schema:name>
        <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://schema.org/Thing"/>
  2. Run rdflint with interactive mode.
    Move to directory of target.rdf, rdflint-config.yml, and rdflint-0.2.1.jar. And run following command.

    $ java -jar rdflint-0.2.1.jar -config rdflint-config.yml -i

    -i is interactive mode option.

  3. Input SPARQL query after SPARQL> prompt.
    In this part, input following query. Double return to perform query.

    PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
    PREFIX schema: <http://schema.org/>
    select ?s
    where {?s rdf:type schema:Thing. }

    After perform query, view following result.

    SPARQL> PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
    > PREFIX schema: <http://schema.org/>
    > select ?s
    > where {?s rdf:type schema:Thing. }
    | s                                        |
    | <https://example.com/targetrdf/somenode> |
  4. If you like terminate interactive mode, input :exit.

Execute on CI

You can use rdflint with GitHub Actions.

  1. Make rdflint configuration file.
    In this part, Make following file.

    file name: .rdflint/rdflint-config.yml

    baseUri: https://example.com/targetrdf/

    Set base directory of target dataset URI to baseUri.

  2. Make GitHub Actions Configuration file.
    In this part, Make following file.

    file name: .github/workflows/ci.yml

    name: CI
    on: pull_request
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        - uses: actions/checkout@v2
        - uses: actions/setup-java@v2
            distribution: adopt
            java-version: 11
        - uses: imas/setup-rdflint@v1
        - name: Run rdflint
          run: rdflint
  3. Add 2 configuration files to git repository, and push GitHub.
    Enable GitHub Actions, execute rdflint when create or update pull request.

Suppress warnings

In the case of suppress rdflint warnings, you can set mute warning to rdflint.

Note. you need to complete ‘rdflint basic usage’ process.

  1. Update target data files, and validation result has no warning except you like to suppress.

  2. Run rdflint.

    $ java -jar rdflint-0.2.1.jar -config rdflint-config.yml

    Check result has no warning except you like to suppress.
    In this time, write warnings to rdflint-problems.yml.

  3. copy rdflint-problems.yml to rdflint-suppress.yml.

    $ cp rdflint-problems.yml rdflint-suppress.yml
  4. Run rdflint, again.
    Check result has no warning.
    Note. In the case of warning location cannot identify, suppress target not included. (Custom check etc)

Note. If you like check suppressed warnings again, remove rdflint-suppress.yml.

Command line options

rdflint has following command line options.