rdflint: RDF Linter

rdflint users guide

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How to setup rdflint.

Manual Setup

  1. rdflint needs java runtime environment. If you do not have runtime, download and install JRE or JDK from follwing website.

    Java SE - Downloads | Oracle Technology Network | Oracle

  2. Download rdflint from JitPack.
    Put your browser https://jitpack.io/com/github/imas/rdflint/0.2.1/rdflint-0.2.1.jar , and download jar file.
    If you like wget, you can use following command.

    $ wget https://jitpack.io/com/github/imas/rdflint/0.2.1/rdflint-0.2.1.jar
  3. Move to rdflint downloaded directory, and run rdflint with following command.
    No error messages is OK.

    $ java -jar rdflint-0.2.1.jar

Setup to Visual Studio Code

  1. rdflint needs java runtime environment. If you do not have runtime, download and install JRE or JDK from follwing website.

    Java SE - Downloads | Oracle Technology Network | Oracle

  2. Set Java installed directory to enviroment variable JAVA_HOME .
    Note. Java installed directory is usually C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-(version number).

  3. Start Visual Studio Code.
    If you already started VSS, restart for activate environment variable.

  4. From Extensions menu(File->Preferences->Extensions),
    search with keyword rdflint etc, and select RDF lanauage support via rdflint
    Select Install, and install extention.

  5. From Ctrl+Shift+P menu, select rdflint interactive mode: SPARQL playground
    and start rdflint with interactive mode.

Setup with homebrew - for macOS

  1. Install homebrew from following website interaction, if you do not installed yet.


  2. Install rdflint with following command.

    $ brew tap imas/rdflint
    $ brew install rdflint

    Note. If you use takemikami/takemikami (Before version 0.1.1), change formulaue repository with following step。

    $ brew untap takemikami/takemikami
    $ brew tap imas/rdflint
  3. Run rdflint with following command.
    No error messages is OK.

    $ rdflint

Note, In the case of install by Homebrew, replace java -jar rdflint-0.2.1.jar to rdflint in Usage.