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rdflint report along following validation rules.

Test data can be cited for your study.

Syntax validation

Validate syntax of rdfxml or turtle.

Undefined subject check

Validate undefined subject are not used as predicate or object.

Validation target is following subjects.

  • Defined under baseUri of configuration.
  • Defined in following.
  • Defined in dataset of validation-undefinedSubject in configuration.

Custom check

Validate result-set of custom SPARQL Query.

Custom check defined in rule in configuration.
Validation in following process each rdf file.

  1. Check that file is target, along target in configuration. Exit if not target.
  2. Execute query of query in configuration, and set results to variable rs.
  3. Execute groovy script of valid in configuration. Script can Output validation error by log.warn method.

Degrade validation

Output subjects and triples that removed from before revision.

Directory of before revision defined in originDir in configuration.

Datatype validation

Validate literal object data-type corresponded to predicate.

Validation in following process.

  1. Count up literal object each predicate. Exit if under 20 literal objects.
  2. Expect object data-type each predicate. Candidate data-type is String, real number, integer number or natural number. Data-type that 95% over objects have is expected type.
  3. Validate object data-type is expected type each triple.

Outlier validation

Validate outlier to numeric object.

Validation in following process.

  1. Calculate distance each object.
  2. Join the nearest object-pair as cluster.
  3. Repeat process 2 until last 2 cluster, validate last cluster have one data only. If the distance of last joined cluster is triple distance of joined before.

SHACL constraint validation

Validate constraint by SHACL (Shapes Constraint Language).

Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) | W3C

Literal trim validation

Validate literal starts/ends with space.

File encoding validation

Validate newline character and encodings with validation-fileEncoding in configuration.