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Getting started

rdflint is easy to install with install script. The minimum required version of Java is 11.


Paste following script in a Linux shell prompt, and install rdflint to your machine.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

You can check installed version of rdflint with following command.

rdflint -v

Basic usage

rdflint basic usage process to rdf file syntax check.

Prepare target RDF file. rdflint can check files that have extensiont of ttl or rdf. In this part, use empty file.

file name: target.rdf

Make rdflint configuration file. In this part, make following file.

file name: rdflint-config.yml


Set base directory of target dataset URI to baseUri.

Execute rdflint. Move to directory of target.rdf, rdflint-config.yml, And run following command.

rdflint -config rdflint-config.yml

Validation failed and display following, because rdf file is invalid.

  ERROR  [line: 1, col: 1 ] 途中でファイルの末尾に達しました。


Paste following script in a Linux shell prompt, and remove rdflint from your machine.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"